The two major arteries in the neck, the left and right carotids, meet at this circle and branch out into smaller blood vessels that nourish the face and brain.
Scientists had observed this circle as early as the 16th century, but it was Willis who first noted its importance in directing the flow of blood.
Willis attributed much of his knowledge and discovery to the English physician and writer Sir Thomas Millington (1628–1704) and to the scientist and architect Sir Christopher Wren (1632–1723).
The circle of Willis varies greatly from person to person.
♣ 쫑쫑이 선택한 단어
의미 및 활용
artery미국식[│ɑːrtəri]영국식[│ɑːtəri]중요 1.[명사]동맥 (→vein, coronaryartery) 2.[명사](사회의) 동맥(도로·강·철도 등) artery동맥. 산소가 풍부한 혈액이다. 동맥혈을 통해 각 신체에 산소 공급을 한다. arterial (artery)미국식[ɑ:r│tɪriəl]영국식[ɑ:│tɪəriəl][형용사]arterial blood/disease 동맥혈/동맥 질환 carotidartery미국식[kə│rɑːtɪd ɑːrtəri]영국식[kə│rɒtɪd ɑːtəri][명사][해부]경동맥
One of history’s most important yet dangerous discoveries was morphine.
With the invention of the hypodermic needle in 1853, doctors put morphine into widespread use as a painkiller.
A narcotic, morphine relieves pain and anxiety, but also impairs mental and physical performance.
a woman's menstrual cycle 여성의 월경주기
Morphine quickly replaced opium as a medical cure-all and was readily available at drugstores as an over-the-counter and recreational drug throughout the late 19th century.
Experts agree that the best way to get off—and stay off—morphine is in an inpatient drug rehabilitation center.
[+ 새롭게 알게 된 사실] Morphine's physical impact is so powerful that babies born to women who took the drug during pregnancy may suffer withdrawal symptoms after leaving the womb. 임신 중에 모르핀을 먹게되면 출산 후 태아에게서 금단 현상이 일어난다고.. 무!섭!다!
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의미 및 활용
derivative미국∙영국[dɪˈrɪvətɪv]영국식중요 1.[명사]파생어, 파생물 2.[형용사][보통 못마땅함]다른 것을 본뜬, 새롭지 않은 derivative파생적인, 원본이 아닌, 다른 것을 본뜬
trancelike[형용사]꿈결 같은, 최면 상태 같은. trance (trancelìketrancelike)미국식[træns]영국식[trɑːns]중요 1.[명사](최면 상태와 같은) 가수(假睡) 상태 2.[명사]무아지경 (=daze) 3.[명사]트랜스 음악(의식을 몽롱하게 만드는 전자 댄스 음악)
narcotic미국식[nɑːr│kɑːtɪk]영국식[nɑː│kɒtɪk]중요 1.[명사](헤로인코카인 같은 강력) 마약 2.[명사][의학]진정제, 진통제, 수면제 3.[형용사]마약인 4.[형용사][의학]졸리게 하는, 최면 효과가 있는 Narcotic[Physiology](Abbr.)NAR. a mildnarcotic약한 진통제 a mildnarcoticeffect가벼운 최면 효과
Like a high-tech security system in a bank or store, the body’s immune system is multifaceted.
The first line of defense is called nonspecific, or innate.
It consists of a number of mechanisms, including the skin and the sticky mucous linings, such as those in the nose, lungs, and stomach, that trap small particles.
Other defending cells rush to destroy them.
As another security measure, body temperature often rises, because most viruses and bacteria can’t thrive in hot temperatures.
Vaccines essentially capitalize on this process.
By introducing tiny amounts or harmless pieces of certain pathogens, vaccines prompt the body to produce focused antibodies that safeguard the body without its undergoing an illness.
thrive미국∙영국[θraɪv]미국식[θraɪv]영국식중요[동사]번창하다, 잘 자라다 (=flourish) thrift (thrive)미국∙영국[θrɪft]영국식중요 1.[명사][호감]절약, 검약 (→spendthrift) 2.[명사]아르메리아(해안가에 자라는 야생화의 일종) thrifty (thrive)미국∙영국[ˈθrɪfti]미국식[ˈθrɪfti]영국식중요[형용사][호감]절약[검약]하는 (=frugal) thriveon something(특히 남들은 별로 좋아하지 않을 일을) 즐기다[잘 하다] thriveon…을 잘 해내다.
adaptive미국∙영국[əˈdæptɪv]미국식[əˈdæptɪv]영국식[형용사][전문 용어]조정의, 적응할 수 있는 adapt (adaptiveadaptable)미국∙영국[əˈdæpt]영국식중요 1.[동사](새로운 용도·상황에) 맞추다[조정하다] (=modify) 2.[동사](상황에) 적응하다 (=adjust) 3.[동사](연극·영화·텔레비전 극으로) 개작하다[각색하다] adaptiveoptics미국식[광학]적응 제어 광학 adaptivecontrol미국식[컴퓨터]적응 제어 ((略 AC))
whoop (whooping)미국∙영국[wuːp; huːp]영국식중요 1.[명사](기쁨흥분 등으로) 와 하는 함성 2.[동사](기쁨흥분 등으로) 와 하고 함성을 지르다 whooping출처: UrbandictionaryThe act of screaming in adoration or support by making awhoopingnoise, generally accompanied by a revolving fist-shake. Prevalent in the United States of America, Australia and other former colonies settled by pioneering herdsmen, prospectors, hunters and entrepreneurs. whoopingcough미국식[kɔːf]영국식[ˈhuːpɪŋ kɒf][명사]백일해
prompt미국식[prɑːmpt]영국식[prɒmpt]중요 1.[형용사]즉각적인, 지체 없는 (=immediate) 2.[형용사]신속한, 시간을 엄수하는 (=punctual) 3.[동사](사람에게 어떤 결정을 내리도록어떤 일이 일어나도록) 하다[촉발하다] (=provoke) 4.[동사](질문힌트 등을 주어 말을 하도록) 유도하다
Apgar score미국∙영국[ǽpɡɑ:r-] 아프가 채점법 ((신생아의 심장 박동수·호흡 속도 등 신체 상태를 나타낸 수치))
♣ 쫑쫑이 선택한 문장과 표현
She went on to become an anesthesiologist. (go on to…으로 나아가다.)
They evaluate five vital signs—skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, and breathing—on a scale of 0 to 2, then add up the ratings for a total ranging from 0 to 10.
If the score is 7 or above, the baby is deemed in stable condition.
Some babies, especially those born after a high-risk pregnancy, Caesarean section, or complicated delivery, may just take a little longer to adjust to life outside the womb.
At age 50, Virginia Apgar embarked on a second career.
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의미 및 활용
defy미국∙영국[dɪˈfaɪ]영국식중요 1.[동사](권위·법률·규칙 등에) 반항[저항/거역]하다 2.[동사]믿기, 설명하기, 묘사하기 등이 (거의) 불가능하다 3.[동사](기이할 정도로 잘) 견뎌 내다