• 제시어 1: 외동이라 혼자 놀았다. I am an only child so I used to play alone.
  • 제시어 2: 부모님이 아들을 원하셨다. My parents wanted to have a baby boy.
  • 제시어 3: 형제자매가 많다. I have # brother(s) and # sister(s).



[쫑쫑의 영어일기]


I have some siblings and even am a twin. We used to fight all the time when we were little. I sometimes wanted to be an only child because I didn't want to share my toys with my sister, but now my sister and I are best friends now. 


Fortunately, my parents didn't tell their sons from me and my sister. It was fun to spend time together with my family.


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