• 제시어 1: 헌 옷 hand-me-down
  • 제시어 2: 사촌이 많은 대가족 a big family with many cousins
  • 제시어 3: 가장, 집안의 기둥 breadwinner



[쫑쫑의 영어일기 & 작문]


I usually give a donation with my hand-me-downs. It's really easy to make a donation. All you need to do is make up your mind. 


My family was big with many cousins, but as you might imagine, they all were married.


I think it is a fortune for me not to be the breadwinner in my family. If so, it will be a big burden, indeed.



'[Writing] > 2분 말하기(일반인)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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